Our Squads

Junior Fundamental Awareness

Develop skills and abilities in all four strokes and turns. Learn the concept of the pacing clock and the general rules and etiquette of squad training.

Junior Novice

Stroke development, an increasing emphasis is placed on improving endurance, as well as advancing the development of split-strokes, drills, starts, turns and finishes required for events at competitions.

Junior Intermediate

Training frequency increases and swimmers are continuously advanced in skill development, while appropriately increasing distance and endurance.

Junior Advanced

Race-specific training prepares swimmers for competition. Specific sets are prescribed to continuously improve speed and endurance, while stroke technique and skill development remain the primary focus.

Intermediate Development

This squad is for competitive and/or non-competitive swimmers and multisport athletes who are seeking to maintain or build their swimming fitness through a variety of fitness and technical skills.

Advanced Performance

This squad is for competitive athletes who are seeking to make, qualify, compete and achieve finals and/or medals at multisport State or National Championships, or undertake open water challenges.

Advanced Competitor

This squad is for competitive swimmers who are seeking top 10 rankings at State Championships, as well as to achieve qualifying times to compete at the Australian Age National Championships.

Advanced Senior Competitor

This squad is for highly competitive swimmers who are seeking to make qualify, compete and achieve finals and/or medals at Australian Open/Age National Championships.